This is my interpretation of the classic videogame, scorched earth. Written for a week long game competition ran by The Game Creators.
This was supposed to be the sequel to 3D Bang! Bang!, but I never really finished it.
This is my 3D interpretation of the classic Commodore64 game Sensitive, by Oliver Kirwa.
This is my interpretation of the classic Commodore64 game Sensitive, by Oliver Kirwa, but on a phone!
I wanted to remake Ocarina of Time in VR, so I made this. I never finished it. (But yes, I did have it running on a Samsung smartwatch at one point!)
A street racing game intended for the Xbox One, with mobile phone AR functionality. I will finish this game one day!
This is a VR “tower defence” game, where you are the only tower. Trust me, it’s much better to play than I’m describing it!
(I’ll finish this when I stop playing Cyberpunk 2077!)
I wrote this as my entry to the Double11 Game Jam, for mental health week.